Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cordially Yours Craft show

Hi Everyone,
Chris and I have been quite busy lately. I am still trying to keep up with making crafts and handmade toys, though I haven't been as productive lately as I would like. I have still been making some toys though....just haven't been taking any pictures and blogging about them. :P
But I promise soon there will be more photos of the all of the projects that Chris and I have been up to.
In September we were at the Cordially Yours Craft show at the Lo Pub here in Winnipeg. We had a lot of fun and met a lot of really nice people.
In December we will be at the Ain't Your Gramma's Craft Sale at the Park Theatre on Osborne st. in Winnipeg. I am really excited about the show and I am already dreaming up new toy designs that I could make.

I will leave you now with a few pictures from the Cordially Yours show:

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